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Snake ( Iena) Plissken!!!, Nuovo ruolo o remake?

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view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 09:47

8° Liv. TOP - Membro del comitato G.F.D.M.C.C.V. (Gerard Fai Di Me Ciò Che Vuoi)

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Gerard Butler as Snake Plissken?!

Written by Stephanie Sanchez
Monday, 12 March 2007
Just like pink is the new black, Butler is the new Russell. Butler is attached to star as Snake Plissken himself in a remake of the 1981 classic, Escape from New York.

Variety had this,

Hot off the socko bow of "300" this past weekend, star Gerard Butler is at the center of a package that CAA began shopping Monday for a remake of John Carpenter's 1981 actioner "Escape From New York."

Neal Moritz is attached to produce, with "Black Hawk Down" scribe Ken Nolan penning the screenplay.

Several studios are battling for the pic, mostly because the $70 million launch of "300" signaled the arrival of an emerging action star in Butler. A deal is expected to be made this week.

Butler would play Snake Plissken, the one-eyed convict who's charged with heading into the inescapable maximum security prison formerly known as Manhattan to liberate the U.S. president.

Kurt Russell originated the role and reprised it in the 1996 sequel "Escape to L.A."

Altro articolo.

By Devin Faraci
Contributing sources: Variety
This is how I find out they’re remaking Escape From New York, with an announcement that King Leonidas (or the Phantom of the Opera, depending on how non-charitable you’re being) is going to take on the ultimate badass role that Kurt Russell originated in the 1981 classic. I know a lot of you found yourself with new admiration for the guy after seeing 300 this weekend... does the goodwill still hold up?

In case you’ve stumbled upon CHUD from, Escape From New York is set in the distant future of 1997, where Manhattan has been converted into a maximum security prison. Air Force One crashes there and the president (Donald Pleasance, natch!) is trapped on an island full of murderers, thieves, rapists and hipsters who moved there for the ironic value and the affordable rents. Only one man can rescue him – Snake Plissken, a one-eyed former special ops soldier and current criminal. That’s the story, but the real joy of it comes from this wacky retro-future that John Carpenter created.

And now, the remake. It’s being written by Black Hawk Down scripter Ken Nolan, who has had a bunch of projects languishing in development hell for the last few years. If you’re getting up in arms, don’t bother. John Carpenter doesn’t care at all – he’s just happy to cash the checks. And it isn’t like this is going to stop the much-discussed Escape From Earth from getting made… since that project was never happening anyway.

What I find odd about the remake is how it makes no sense anymore. In 1981, New York was still in an economic pit and was riddled with crime. The idea of walling off Manhattan was obviously silly even then, but it worked on a level of satire. Today New York is the safest big city in the world, and the poor and criminals aren’t taking over – they’re being priced out! Even the most historically bad neighborhoods in the city are getting gentrified. In the modern world this project feels like dress-up.

But who knows? Maybe throwing away everything from the original is the way to do it. Maybe a terrorist nerve gas attack turns Manhattan into an island of rabid lunatics. Get rid of all the characters from Carpenter’s original except for Snake and the president and start clean. Do it like Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead – a remake in that it has the same concept and the same name, but that’s it. And the truth is that what worked in an action movie in 1981 just isn’t going to work today. In fact, I wonder how many younger readers of this site know Escape From New York… or even like it. The whole film has a heightened theatricality that probably doesn’t gel with modern sensibilities.

The real test is going to be who directs this film. That information, hopefully, is coming soon. The thing is that, more likely than not, this movie is happening, so we’re just going to have to accept it. I feel like I’m a grief counselor now.


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view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 10:20


Fuga da New York era piuttosto ben riuscito e ha avuto un sacco di successo, un remake è sempre difficile soprattutto in questo caso, speriamo bene.
Almeno qui non muore. :clap2: :clap2:
view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 10:28

Per lui potrebbero cambiare il finale!


Però c'è un altra costante:
- POTO: maschera su metà visto
- 300: elmo 'integrale'
- Fuga da New York: benda sull'occhio

view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 10:32

8° Liv. TOP - Membro del comitato G.F.D.M.C.C.V. (Gerard Fai Di Me Ciò Che Vuoi)

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Ecco perché faticano a riconoscerlo e all'immigrazione lo fanno "arrosto".
view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 10:51

8° Liv. TOP - Membro del comitato G.F.D.M.C.C.V. (Gerard Fai Di Me Ciò Che Vuoi)

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Questo giornalista non è molto entusiasta del remake, pur apprezzando Gerard.
E' sempre un azzardo cimentarsi in un ruolo che è diventato un simbolo per un altro attore, ( come POTO insegna....), ma a volte l'operazione riesce perfettamente!!! :cool.gif:

Escape from New York remake? No!!!

Date : March 13, 2007 Posted By : Clint Morris

My apologies for the lack of updates today… but its been nutty busy. .. did have a chance to see “300” though. What did I think? Well, it was underwhelming and once you got past the gimmicky look of it… there wasn’t a lot left to hold your attention. ..However, it’s definitely worth checking out.. if only to see just how friggin’ marvellous the filmmaking technology of today is becoming. I guess you can tell... I'm a little torn. Let me sleep on it.

I will say though, Gerard Butler is probably – David Wenham seemed to be playing little more than ‘Diver Dan’ with Muscles – the best thing in it, next to the effects, but tell me…

…..does he really need to be fuckin’ SNAKE PLISSKEN!?

That’s Kurt Russell’s role. Tell me it isn’t?!

Yep, They’re remaking “Escape From New York” now (what next!) and have tapped Butler to play eye-patched renegade Plissken.

Nothing against Butler, but c’mon… having someone else play Plissken is like well, having Vin Diesel take over from Schwarzenegger as the T-800; Brad Pitt take over as Ethan Hunt.. Or Brian Bosworth playing “Rocky” in the next sequel. It ain’t right.

The remake is being produced by Neal Moritz (“XXX”), says Variety, and written by Ken Nolan (“Black Hawk Down”). Apparently a bunch of studios are fighting to produce it.

If you wanna do another “Escape” movie… do the long-planned “Escape from Earth”… get John Carpenter back to direct… and, for the love of god, get Kurt Russell back to play Snake. He ain’t that old (and really, what does it matter? Snake can age, just as Indiana Jones can) and after “Grind House”, Russell’s star is going to skyrocket again.

Consider it. Please. Bury this blasphemous redo idea.

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view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 14:28

Fuga da New York per Gerard Butler

L'attore scozzese sarà protagonista di un remake di Fuga da New York di Carpenter.

Gerard Butler sarà nel cast di un remake di 1997: Fuga da New York, il film diretto da John Carpenter nel 1981.

A Butler sarà affidato il ruolo di Jena Plissken, un ex marine condannato per rapina: un ruolo che nel film di Carpenter era stato interpretato da Kurt Russell, che lo riprese nel '96 per il sequel del film, Fuga da Los Angeles.

La sceneggiatura del nuovo film, che sarà prodotto da Neal Moritz, sarà affidata a Ken Nolan.

view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 15:52

Bello!!!! :love2.gif:
no one but her
view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 17:36

Beh! E' un peccato coprirgli uno di quei due bellissimi fanali, però potrebbe valere la pena di vederlo in un ruolo così diverso, che, se ben ricordo, richiedeva anche una certa dose di ironia...
view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 18:00

Questo genere di remake potrebbe essere una prova pericolosa.

Se GB ha accettato - probabilmente - ha visto nel soggetto/sceneggiatura qualcosa di interessante, qualcosa che l'ha attratto.

Speriamo che sia così, perchè deve fare i conti con l'interpretazione di Kurt Russell, che è ancora abbastanza viva.

Credo che ci avrà pensato.

view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 18:15

La scelta è, in effetti, molto pericolosa. Però, se davvero accetterà questo ruolo, apprezzerò GB per il coraggio.

Il ruolo, comunque, è molto interessante e lui ha la verve giusta per interpretarlo come si deve.
view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 19:20

Il film originale era bello, ma non so, sarà che i remake spesso sono dei flop...
Però non sarà che rimanere troppo ancorato ai film d'azione possa essere controproducente per la carriera?
view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 19:31

Può darsi, ma a quanto pare sono proprio quelli a dirgli più visibilità, quindi almeno per ora è meglio che prosegua così. Magari con P.S. I love you le cose cambieranno e GB riuscirà ad attirare l'attenzione di tutti anche interpretando un ruolo diverso. Speriamo!
view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 19:32

Infatti è anche il mio dubbio. Il film originale è molto bello, e ricordiamoci che oltre a Russell dietro a quel film c'era anche un grande come Carpenter. Sicuramente il ruolo gli si calza a pennello, ma è una scelta molto rischiosa.
Speriamo per il meglio ;)
view post Posted on 13/3/2007, 20:32

Prima di questo dovrebbero (condizionale d'obbligo) uscire prima PSILY e BOAW, che sono una 'commedia' e un 'thriller'.

Poi di nuovo un film d'azione...

Però, chi può dirlo....


Intanto le notizie corrono......


Gerard Butler sostituisce Kurt Russell.
Dopo aver guidato spartani in battaglia ("300"), Gerard Butler ha tutte le carte in regola per affrontare un gruppo di malviventi: le ultime indiscrezioni hollywoodiane dicono che sarà il protagonista di "1997 - Fuga Da New York", remake dell'omonimo film girato nel 1981 dal grande John Carpenter.

Riassunto per chi non ha visto l'originale (cosa aspettate a rimediare?): la città di New York è stata trasformata in una gigantesca prigione, isolata dal resto del mondo grazie a mura e armi da fuoco. All'interno i reclusi si sono organizzati in bande e tirano avanti fra violenza e cose varie. L'equilibro va a gambe per aria quando l'aereo del presidente Usa precipita in città. Per recuperare il primo cittadino viene reclutato Iena Plissken (Kurt Russell), galeotto tutto d'un pezzo che da solo affronterà tutto e tutti.

Fin qui il film originale.
Ecco quel che sappiamo sul remake:
- la sceneggiatura è di Ken Nolan, quello di "Black Hawk Down" (2001)
- il ruolo protagonista è di Gerard Butler
- il regista non è ancora stato trovato
- mancano indicazioni sull'inizio delle riprese e l'uscita nelle sale

Sì, sì... questo titolo mi piace...

Butler to be 'Snake'?
Gerard Butler - yes thanks, we'll take two please...

By M&C Movie News Mar 13, 2007, 13:42 GMT

New “hunk” Gerard Butler, straight off the success of ‘300’ is being fronted to studios by CAA in a remake of John Carpenter’s 1981 ‘Escape from New York.’
Butler will play Snake Plissken, the one eyed convict role made famous by Kurt Russell. Set in the future, Snake is sent into a maximum security prison – Manhattan - to save the president of what is left of the United States.
Neal Moritz will produce, with Ken Nolan (‘Black Hawk Down’) penning screenplay.

view post Posted on 14/3/2007, 08:59

8° Liv. TOP - Membro del comitato G.F.D.M.C.C.V. (Gerard Fai Di Me Ciò Che Vuoi)

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Altri articoli.

13 March 2007

Gerard Butler To Escape From New York
300 star set for remake

It is now official: Gerard Butler is the world's premier kicker of ass. His band might be doomed in 300, but they whoop a lot of bottom on the way armed only with leather pants and a lot of facial hair; and the US box office frankly didn't stand a chance in the face of Butler and his mighty brawn, as he opened $70million worth of whoopass on it over the weekend. You could pit the guy against Godzilla, with Godzilla all dressed up in spiky armour and with a giant lion as his plucky sidekick and the lion can breathe fire and has a big magic gun. Butler would still win with both hands tied behind his back and his head chopped off.

All of which makes him the perfect choice for a remake of John Carpenter's 1981 classic Escape From New York. There aren't many modern actors who could conceivably take over double-hard bastard duties from the legendary Kurt Russell, who played one-eyed convict Snake Plissken, a man who must rescue the president and – yes – escape from New York, which in the future has become a maximum security prison, but based on his showing in 300 and, of course, Dear Frankie, Butler would seem to be a good choice to don the eyepatch.

The script is being written by Black Hawk Down screenwriter Ken Nolan. No director has been attached to the remake. Butler could do it and kick your arse at the same time, while reciting pi to 14,352 decimal places.


Gerard Butler: Call Him Snake
March 13th, 2007 by justin in Movies, Directors

Uber-agency CAA has begun shopping a package around Hollywood’s studios. For those not familiar with the Variety lingo, a “package” is a movie project with famous names already attached, all of them clients of whatever agency is doing the shopping. This one happens to be centered around newly hot action star Gerard Butler, fresh off 300’s boffo b.o. The film? A remake of John Carpenter’s Escape From New York.

That cry you hear is a million fan boys weeping at once.

Also attached are producer Neal Moritz and screenwriter Ken Nolan. Butler would be playing Snake Plissken, the one-eyed loner originally portrayed by Kurt Russell. Due to Butler’s sudden rise in popularity, a deal is expected to be made by the end of the week.

Despite the mixed results of remaking Carpenter’s other films, I think this one has a good chance. Butler proved in 300 that he can play one-dimensional stony badasses. All he really has to do is lower Leonidas’ “THIS! IS! SPARTA!” yelling to a growly, gravelly Kurt Russell timber. The other reason I think this could work out well is that my main problem with the original Escape From New York is that it felt rushed, like they were running out of budget and needed to wrap up the story. Snake was a cool enough character that I wanted to watch him get beaten up a few more times and shoot a couple more people. With an expanded budget, a new film could give us the action epic the story merits.

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