GERRY'S LADIES: Gerard Butler forum italiano

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view post Posted on 6/3/2014, 22:51

:fiori.gif: Grazieeeee

Bella la nuova capigliatura. Gli sta benissimo! Sembra in gran forma! :cool.gif:
view post Posted on 9/3/2014, 16:20

I can't find the right girl, says Hollywood sex symbol Gerard Butler who's been linked with Jennifer, Cameron and Naomi
Scottish actor, 44, starred in movie version of The Phantom of the Opera
He said he met 'a lot of princesses along the way' but not 'the one and only'
He added: 'It's harder to be in a relationship in this industry'

PUBLISHED: 00:36 GMT, 9 March 2014 | UPDATED: 14:21 GMT, 9 March 2014

Suave Gerard Butler may have starred in his fair share of Hollywood rom-coms – but he is yet to find true love in real life.
The Scottish star, who has been linked to some of the world’s most beautiful women, has revealed he has yet to find the one.
‘I have not met the one princess yet,’ said the 44-year-old star of the movie version of The Phantom Of The Opera.

‘That doesn’t mean I have not met a lot of princesses along the way, but not the one and only yet.
‘Or maybe I have and she might come back into my life at some point. You should never rule out anything. But am I seeing the one now? The answer, sadly, is no.’
The star, who has appeared in the romantic comedies The Ugly Truth and P.

But the actor – currently shooting a new film, Gods Of Egypt, in Australia – said the pressures of work played havoc with his love life.
‘It’s harder to be in a relationship in this industry. It’s partly my own fault, and partly the nature of the beast. It’s hard when you are leaving all the time. I’m now in Australia for two months. Who wants to put up with that?
‘But who says life has to be just one relationship? Maybe it’s meant to have many short relationships.’
Butler, who has admitted struggling with alcoholism, described love as ‘amazing’ but said he wasn’t sure it was something he would give up his career for.
He said other things, such as ‘spirituality, work and adventure’, were equally important.
He added: ‘Love is amazing, but it is only one aspect of your life. I hope that when I fall in love, I want to support her and not try to change her. I don’t like conditional love.’
The star, who plays Stoick the Vast in the new animated adventure How To Train Your Dragon 2, said it had made him think again about starting a family.
‘I do want kids. For now I have four nieces. I often wonder what it would be like to share a movie with my kids. It does make me think.’
Butler said he enjoyed his sex-symbol tag even though he knew it was largely meaningless. ‘It helps your ego. It’s not something I go to bed thinking about at night. But sure, it’s nice to hear.’
Butler, born in Paisley, insists he is not vain but admits to having the odd facial. ‘I take better care of myself now. I eat healthily and I never had a facial before I was an actor. In Scotland we didn’t do that kind of thing, but now I do.’
He says he is a bit of a softie, even though he may not show that side back home. ‘Where I come from, you don’t show much of your sensitive side to your friends. But I love to touch other people’s souls.’
view post Posted on 10/3/2014, 11:26

8° Liv. TOP - Membro del comitato G.F.D.M.C.C.V. (Gerard Fai Di Me Ciò Che Vuoi)

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Racconta la stessa fola da che io ne ho memoria :fischio.gif: :lol2.gif:
view post Posted on 10/3/2014, 14:20

7° Liv. TOP - Membro del comitato G.L.M.D.G. ovvero: Giù Le Mani Da Gerry (Per la difesa del nostro contro le cacciatrici di eredità & pubblicità)




mi sa che l'ha ripetuto talmente tante volte, che ancora un altro paio e si auto-convince del tutto!! :rolleye.gif:

Edited by akane09 - 11/3/2014, 11:36
view post Posted on 10/3/2014, 16:36

Ormai sappiamo i copioni a memoria! :lol2.gif:
view post Posted on 10/3/2014, 17:17

8° Liv. TOP - Membro del comitato G.F.D.M.C.C.V. (Gerard Fai Di Me Ciò Che Vuoi)

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view post Posted on 10/3/2014, 22:51

Grazie dem! :fiori.gif: :cool.gif:
view post Posted on 10/3/2014, 22:57

:fiori.gif: :fiori.gif: Grazie Darling!!!


Ma guarda che spettacolo.... Ok, il numero di braccialetti cresce( e lo sappiamo che, più tamarri sono, più gli piacciono), quell'anello lo sto odiando fisicamente... Ma quanto è faaaaaigo??? :love2.gif: :love2.gif: :love2.gif:

L'Australia è fortunata, di questi tempi, eh? Gli stanno passando per gli aeroporti certi stalloni... Ehm, intendevo cavalli di razza di attori. Lapsus :blush.gif:
view post Posted on 10/3/2014, 23:36

Avete notato che sul pantalone c'è scritto 'Dream & Work'? :lol2.gif:

view post Posted on 11/3/2014, 18:50

8° Liv. TOP - Membro del comitato G.F.D.M.C.C.V. (Gerard Fai Di Me Ciò Che Vuoi)

Moderatrice globale e admin utenti


CITAZIONE (Min@ @ 10/3/2014, 23:36) 
Avete notato che sul pantalone c'è scritto 'Dream & Work'? :lol2.gif:


E' una variante della regola benedettina " Ora et Labora " :lol2.gif:

Fortunatamente si sta muovendo ed è tornato a lavorare!! :cool.gif: :clap2:

E , come sempre quando lavora, ritorna in gran forma e ancora piu' figo!! :love2.gif:

Con quella camicia bianca ( stirata !! :lol2.gif: ) è una favola !! :love2.gif:

Rende sopportabile anche la parte inferiore del tronco di pino :fischio.gif: cosi' massacrata da quella mise :lol2.gif:
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view post Posted on 12/3/2014, 14:21

E' una variante della regola benedettina " Ora et Labora " :lol2.gif:


Bellissima! Hai ragione, è in gran forma. Il lavoro nobilita lui... E pompa su noi :diavolo.gif:
view post Posted on 17/3/2014, 22:46

Certe fortune capitano a pochi... :sad2.gif:

CELEBRITY 101** My week avoiding Gerard Butler

As you probably know, I like to go to the odd party or two and love living in Sydney! As a Brit who’s flown the nest, I’ve been here 5 years now and am proud to call this country home!
I love that I get to see Sydney from a privileged viewpoint and don’t ever take it for granted! Coming from a small working class town in the North West of England, I don’t ever forget where I come from, I am thankful for the experiences that I have been fortunate enough to be a part of since arriving here in Jan 2009.
I recently had a week that just makes living in Sydney all the more surreal, yet all the more wonderful!
I went to the Sol Beer MTV VIP party on Friday 7th March, it was a great event, fab Djs, free beer and Mexican food and a great location – what’s not to love!
My lovely friend and I got to talking about out ideal man… as you do! My lovely companion advised that she tends to go for blue-eyed, preppy, clean cut blondies who are ambitious and independent, as a general rule! I on the other hand couldn’t pinpoint my exact type without referring to an actual person – Gerard Butler – successful, British (more importanly Scottish), humble, likes a party and appears to not take himself too seriously and of course easy on the eye! We laughed at the slim chance of me meeting an A-list actor and carried on with our night….
Only for me to get home and check my Facebook to see that my lovely old boss Juliet had uploaded a picture with said A-list star at The Royal Hotel in Paddington, my old local and stomping ground… No it couldn’t be… could it?! Oh yes it was: Juliet proceeded to tell me that she had a few drinks with him throughout the course of the evening and that he was lovely! Of course he bloody well was!
Cue story in the morning after’s Daily Tele’s Confidential section advising that the lovely man in question had been ‘spotted’ at The Royal in Paddington with a ‘mysterious blonde’, who was of course the lovely Juliet ! What are the chances hey?!
It appears that they’re not actually as far fetched as I initially thought!
Fast forward to the Saturday night, I had decided to go camping at The Basin instead of going to Future Festival as I was trying to be good and it was a friends birthday! The day after I found out my friend Sasha was there and had a great day – I wish I’d have known as I would’ve gone with her!
After a great night camping I decided to check my phone the Sunday morning… Cue the following status from Sasha – #GREEN!
So once is a funny story, twice is a massive coincidence right…. It gets worse…
A week of work passes by and I decided to have a chilled Friday night with my friend – I cooked dinner, we chilled in the spa, watched Sleepless in Seattle… at about 10 I decided to check my Facebook to be greeted by not one, but two of the following statuses! Yup NOT EVEN KIDDING! This is getting a bit ridiculous…
I didn’t let this get to me, I am happy for my friends – it’s not everyday one of your friend’s gets to meet an A list star (you’d THINK!)… Plus one of my clients is based at Fox Studios and I had a meeting there later that week, so who knows, I may bump into him whilst ordering my coffee before my meeting… here’s hoping!
Roll on Saturday, I went on a boat round the harbour during the day with 20 of my friends – a lovely day. I was due to go to the VIP launch of Casablanca Bar in Double Bay, but had other plans to catch up with some girlfriends… Low and behold who was the VIP guest at the launch… oh yes that’s right – Mr Butler himself! I give up!
You’d think that after all that, I’d start to think that the powers that be are trying to tell me something – we no, not me, resilience is my middle name… how did I know that this attitude would come to bite me back in the butt..?
I was messaging a friend of mine on the Sunday morning, who was also meant to be at the Casablanca event the previous evening, I was laughing and tell her about my ‘week avoiding Gerard Butler’ she advised that she didn’t go either – we arranged to meet up, she did say she was going to Winery, but I figured I’d go for a walk along the Watson’s Bay headland and take advantage of the sunny Sydney Sunday morning… the Sunny Sydney Sunday morning didn’t last very long as a storm broke out… so I sheltered in Bondi at Trios with my lovely friend Sprite!
After a day of relaxing, I went to the cinema to watch Monuments Men, a perfect way to end a lovely weekend! The film was only ok, I decided to walk back to Pyrmont as it was a nice evening, whilst walking I noticed I had a text message from my friend Natasha who I’d been chatting to in the morning about my week, I leave you on this note, I’ll leave it to you to imagine what my reaction was…
“So I’m walking along the street after having a big lunch with my gay friend at the winery and I notice Gerald butler is standing in front of me. He turns around and asks me to help him find somewhere to eat. So I find a quiet place on crown where it is literally dead as people have been harassing him, and we have coffee and he tells me all about this movie he is making here! I then stand up after an hour and a half and say I have to go and work and then say goodbye! Sooo random!! hahaha crazy after us texting about him this morning lol still can’t believe it!”
view post Posted on 18/3/2014, 15:07

Altre donne fortunate :sad2.gif:

Here comes the Hollywood star! Gerard Butler gatecrashes delighted bride-to-be's bachelorette party on Sydney Harbour

Since Gerard Butler arrived in Sydney two weeks ago he has been snapped around the city with his arms around a variety of adoring female fans.
But the 44-year-old Hollywood heartthrob took it to the next level on the weekend when he crashed a hen’s party, much to the delight of the bride-to-be.
Dragana Ogorelica, a close friend of the bride, says they got ‘the shock of our lives’ when they saw the 300 star standing on the boat they hired for the day.

When the girls arrived at the dock, they expected a fun day out on Sydney Harbour, but the manager of the boat hire company said he had a surprise waiting for them.

‘We thought it was a stripper, because it was a hen’s party. But then we saw [Gerard] standing on the boat. We all just started screaming,’ said Dragana.
She reported that the actor called down to the girls: ‘Is this a hen’s party? Can I join? We’re going to dance a little bit, drink a little bit.’
Gerard Butler then told his management they could leave because he was going to stay and party with the girls.

The actor gave the bride-to-be a long hug, complimented her, and said her future husband was ‘a really lucky guy, whoever he is.’
Dragana said that the bride, Maja Nogic, who is a big fan of the actor, was ecstatic.
As Gerard was hugging Maja, her groom was on his buck’s weekend. The girls texted him to say they had met the star.
He replied: ‘That’s it, I’m going to go and find Jennifer Hawkins.’ He then told his fiancée that he would understand if she ran off with Butler.
The group were enamoured of the Scottish star, who Dragana said was ‘so nice and so relaxed. We all loved him.’
‘His accent, oh my goodness, it was so beautiful. You couldn’t understand him half the time, but you didn’t care because it was just gorgeous.’

The 44-year-old actor, who has previously been romantically linked to Jennifer Aniston, Naomi Campbell, and Cameron Diaz, was happy to pose for photos with the group.
He even got them to take one doing his ‘signature pose’ - placing their right hands above their eyes and looking as if they’re searching the skies for UFOs. The actor said this was a photo he took with people all over the world.
Dragana said the chance encounter with the actor ‘started our day amazingly.’

The star is currently in Sydney as he prepares to play Set, the ancient Egyptian god of chaos and violence in the film Gods of Egypt, which also stars Geoffrey Rush and Game of Thrones star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.
He had hired the boat on Friday morning to look at some properties on Rushcutter’s Bay.
It is set to be a big year for Butler, who will also be filming a Point Break remake. He is slated to play Bodhi, the character played by Patrick Swayze in the 1991 original.
Butler revealed recently that the stunts in Point Break would be too dangerous even for professional stuntmen.
Producers have hired the world’s best BASE-jumpers and big-wave riders, such as Jeb Corliss, who jumped off the Eiffel Tower, and Garrett McNamara, who holds the record for the largest wave ever surfed – a 78-foot tall break off the coast of Portugal.
Butler is a bit of a daredevil himself and will be working on his free climbing and surfing skills in preparation for the film.
‘I don’t know yet whether I will be jumping out of aeroplanes. I want to. I would love to,’ Butler told
‘But BASE jumping, I don’t think they will let me do. And squirrelling [jumping from a plane in wingsuit] — that’s probably a bit much.’
view post Posted on 19/3/2014, 15:45

7° Liv. TOP - Membro del comitato G.L.M.D.G. ovvero: Giù Le Mani Da Gerry (Per la difesa del nostro contro le cacciatrici di eredità & pubblicità)



A quanto pare gli piace l'aria dell'Australia visto che sta sempre in giro! :lol2.gif:
view post Posted on 19/3/2014, 16:45

8° Liv. TOP - Membro del comitato G.F.D.M.C.C.V. (Gerard Fai Di Me Ciò Che Vuoi)

Moderatrice globale e admin utenti


Gerry deve essere dotato di "female detector" :fischio.gif:

CITAZIONE (Min@ @ 18/3/2014, 15:07) 
You couldn’t understand him half the time, :lol2.gif: but you didn’t care because it was just gorgeous.’

No dico , pure chi parla inglese non lo capisce!!! :lol2.gif:
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